Jhelum is known for providing a large number of soldiers to the British and later to the Pakistan armed forces due to which it is also known as city of soldiers or land of martyrs and warriors

Khewra Salt mines Festival 2016

Khewra Salt mines Festival 2016
You can like our page on page facebook.com/jhelumfb .

Maidan e pakistan, Jhelum

shumali mohalla , bagh mohalla, maidan e pakistan, machine mohalla, jhelum pakistan,news , updates

Code Let Software House , jhelum branch

Code Let software house also known as newjhelum soft, working on web design, development,app and other marketing project. We are looking experts.send us your cv on newjhelum@gmail.com

Raining in Jhelum

raining in Jhelum ,Shandar Chowk, Punjab ,Jhelum , pakistan
Photo Credit : Arif Karim

Jhelum Photos

jhelum Photos , Jhelum River, jhelum Roads, Jhelum Pakistan,Jhelum News

Ramkot Fort , Mangla Dam , Mirpur , Azad Kashmir

Ramkot Fort,History in urdu , Mirpur,Mangla Dam,near Dadyal ,Azad Kashmir , Pakistan
Complete details of Ramkot Fort Like our Page fb.com/JhelumFb

Code Let Soft. Starting a web designing Course in jhelum

Adobe Photoshop CS5, HTML, CSS3 , Final Project Static Website

Special Discount for students.
Upcoming courses , Web Development,PHP,MY SQL,Wordpress,Web Application , Grapichs Designing.